
Friday, December 31, 2010

Living in Anticipation!

Since the beginning of this year when I stated that this was going to be a grand year I have been living in anticipation of what each day and month would bring.

At the beginning of this year I wrote a post about how I was going to Choose to be Chosen.

In it I stated: "This year I am choosing to be chosen!! What does that mean?
It means at work I will make an extra effort to stay motivated despite the hardships that come from working in a manufacturing industry, I will be a better employee so as to be chosen by my employer. It means at school I will choose to excel a little more and find ways to apply the things that I am learning in my life. I will seek opportunity to further my career in health and fitness so I will be chosen for the things that I want to do. It means that I will be the right kind of girl so that I may eventually be chosen by the right kind of guy. It means that I will choose to serve the Lord more fully so that he may choose me. 3 Nephi 19:20"

I have been blessed with incredible opportunities this year. There have been ups and downs. My character and strength has been strengthened this year. It has been an incredible journey, a few of the lessons learned I have posted about. Others have just been thoughts in my head building my understanding of God and his works.

I said I wanted to be chosen as an employee, as a student, as a woman, and by the Lord.

As an employee I had some amazing blessings (raises, bonuses, work from home) come to me because of my work ethic which then opened up opportunities as a student.

As a student I created better relationships with my professors in my chosen field of study. As a result I was chosen to participate in an independent study with a professor for college credit. This allowed me to pursue more of my own personal goals, such as becoming Zumba instructor certified. I was also nominated for Major of the Year in the Texas Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine by my professor. I have a great internship lined up as well for the Spring semester with MediFit at Dell.

As a woman the right kind of guy chose to date me, which lets be honest was a pretty darn big highlight to my year! I won't get all sappy (I don't want to cause people to puke on their keyboards ;) but I am happy about it as well. Miracles do occur!

I have been blessed to serve the Lord in many different ways this year and honestly have felt that all of the above mentioned blessings have come from him. Yes I did work hard, because I did need to Take Action, but I have been greatly blessed in the actions that I have chosen. Which is great because I did seek the Lord's guidance as I made tough choices this year. I chose to move and that required some faith and hope on my part. I put aside my fears and decided to trust in what I felt in my heart and mind to be right and true and I have been greatly blessed as a result in many aspects of my life.

Basically this sums up my year: My joys are being fulfilled, my dreams are closer, and my prayers have been answered.

2010 was a grand year! I am excited for 2011 and the beauties and wonders I will behold.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh the fun of Halloween!

Phillip and I

My brother Nathan and I

Monday, October 18, 2010

When patience is required

"God's Promises are not always fulfilled as quickly or in the way we might hope. Patience means staying with something until the end, it means delaying immediate gratification for future blessings!" ~ President Dieter F Uchtdorf

This has been the lesson God has been teaching me over the past year and continues to teach me and remind me.

Ruth 3:18
Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day.

Someday I will get my SMORE

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Even when you're gone...

"Even when you're gone,

Somehow you come along just like

A flower pokin' through the sidewalk crack

And just like that

You steal away the rain, and just like that

You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed

Sing like bird, dizzy in my head

Spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night

You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe

Shine like gold, buzz like a bee

Just the thought of you can drive me wild

Oh, you make me smile

Don't know how I lived without you

'Cause every time that I get around you

I see the best of me inside your eyes

You make me smile

You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe

Shine like gold, buzz like a bee

Just the thought of you can drive me wild

You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed

Sing like bird, dizzy in my head

Spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night

Oh, you make me smile!"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have been going fishing for a; I mean with a very handsome man. ;)
Yep pretty much lucky me!

He also cooks yummy food! Shrimp Boil with my fam
Today the handsome man is away, but I bought a fishing license and just happened to catch a fish on one of his lines while I was out kayaking. 19" :) I was pretty proud!
This is the note I left for my room mate on the freezer :S Hopefully she doesn't mind.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Second of Jealousy

I have many friends who walked the Halls and Hills/Mountains (?) of the BYU campus in Provo Utah. They are proud to call it their Alma Mater. They for a few years of their lives spent time in a place filled with spiritual and intellectual learning. I can understand the appeal of attending such a place and will admit that there have been a few times when I myself would have appreciated the environment that is provided by a school like BYU. But the truth is I am grateful for the education that I have received while not attending BYU. (Don't judge my school for my bad grammar. My grammar can be purely blamed on me.)* I am grateful for the experience that I have had with the many diverse individuals I am surrounded by. And I think that BYU was never the school for me to attend, I created my own spiritual University. That being said I found myself a tad Jealous when on the News the other day I heard about the World's Largest Balloon Fight being held at BYU in Provo.

120,000 Balloons


All I can say is I am glad that I am not the person that had to tie off all those balloons. For my birthday I had somewhere around 500 and my youngest brother and sister helped me out in filling and tying. My poor fingers! I can't imagine 120,000.

But what an awesome fight it would have been to attend!

*I have many friends who are wonderful writers and very articulate with words. I unfortunately am not as articulate as my friends and am sure many times I can hear my friends cringing as they read over my post. Possible run on sentences... random dots that don't mean anything... my use of ish... And my good Texas accent leavin off the g's in ing at the end of a word. I do try my best to at least read over what I wrote once.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tingles, Sighs, and Smiles

I feel a tingling inside

bringing a sigh to my lips

erupting in happiness on my face.

I kind of like this feeling!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Happy Happy B-Day

Best Birthday Weekend Ever!

Early Morning phone call (12am) from my brother wanting to be the first to wish me Happy Birthday!
Chinese food with a handsome man for lunch!
Spending time with my closest friends, living in the Austin/San Marcos area!
Playing Quelf, which is a really random fun game.
Watching grown men and my little brother play Ninja. (If you don't know what it is you are missing out)
Water Balloon Fight with about 500 balloons.
Awesome wipe out, with nice battle scar for a souvenir. Sad part is I had just reloaded on water balloons.
Crockpot chicken tacos.
Snickers Chimichangas!!! Best non-traditional birthday cake idea ever!
A back massage/rub!!
Gifts of a tent (fits up to 8), camping chair, crunch & munch (my ultimate guilty pleasure as far as food goes, yes I will eat the whole box by myself), Fiery Hot Cheetos, ticket to anything (w/in driving distance ;) I am thinking a cruise out of Galveston ha ha!
People saying all sorts of nice things about me :)
Camping in my parents back yard (even if it was amazingly humid)
My brother letting me use his cot
Breakfast tacos (sausage, egg, cheese, salsa mmmhhhh)
Bowling a 183!!! (Never mind that it was on the Wii)
Lazily tubing down the San Marcos River
A nap
Digiorno's Ultimate 4 meat pizza, Crunch and Munch, & 2 movies for some me time. (One movie slightly scary and sad, the other inspiring. Smart movie watching skills, watch slightly scary movie first in the day time, watch inspiring movie second to get rid of all anxiety left over from scary/sad movie.)

Probably could have done w/o the sad slightly scary movie (mostly cause I don't like scary movies) I will refrain from naming the movie on the basis that I will most likely be made fun of for considering it a scary movie.

Other than that my birthday weekend was a grand success. I got to celebrate my inner child!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Conversations with God

Child: Father, my heart hurts! There is pain in my chest that brings these tears to my eyes, that allows these sobs to come out of my mouth. I don't know what to do. I am fighting with all that I have and I don't know if I have the strength. My heart is afflicted, my mind is in chaos. I want to be mad, I want to scream! Why do I have this pain? Will you take it away?

God: My child, I understand your heart hurts, I see your tears and hear your sobs, you are not alone. Have patience, bear with all manner of afflictions. Do not revile. Have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that you shall one day rest from all your afflictions. *

Child: I know that you love me Father, I see that you have heard my cries. I don't understand, but I will trust your voice, I will trust your hand.

God: Remember in your life when you have trusted your heart to me and you have been filled with joy?

Child: I do

God: Remember how I have prepared you for things to come, and that in my strength you have succeeded?

Child: I see

God: Remember how I have comforted you, that I have encircled you about in my embrace? Remember that I have put my words in your mouth and have covered you in the shadow of my hand? ** I give unto you these things that ye may be prepared for the things to come, for great things await you.*** All things must come to pass in their time. Be not weary in well-doing. I require the heart and a willing mind.**** I will show unto you what I will concerning you, or what is my will concerning you.***** By my spirit I will enlighten you, by my power you will know my will, even that which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard.****** In my service you shall have strength, be patient in afflictions for you will have many, but endure them for I am with you.*******Know that through these experiences you are becoming who I know you to be. Blessed are you for you will be with me. Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Be faithful and know, my child, that I am God.

Child: Father, I understand! In your strength I will fight. I will be faithful and trust in thy will, knowing that you will lead me. I know that thou art God! In my weakness I will seek for your strength and in my heartache I will seek for your love. I will seek for your Son, Jesus Christ who has taken upon himself my pain, my weakness, my infirmities that he may aid me in my afflictions.********

*Book of Mormon Alma 34: 40-41
** Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 8:12-16
*** Doctrine and Covenants 45:61-62
**** Doctrine and Covenants 64:32-34
***** Doctrine and Covenants 66:4
****** Doctrine and Covenants 76:10
******* Doctrine and Covenants 24:7-8
******** Book of Mormon Alma 7:11-12

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Triathlon Course

Race starts 9 am Pflugerville Lake
Click above link for directions
Swimming Course ~ 500 meters

Biking Duathlon/Athlon starts 9:15 am ~11.2 Miles
Be Careful to watch for those transitioning from swimming!
Wear a Bike Helmet!
Click the mile link for turn by turn directions.
Running Athlon ~3 Miles
Starts 10:10am

Be Responsible for your safety!! If swimming and you get a cramp tread water, float on your back. There will be a Kayak Man :) with a life jacket.

When biking be sure to have a helmet. The roads have lots of cyclists on them often in the area, but they are still traveled by cars and there are no shoulders. Be aware of what is surrounding you.

Remember this is an amateur event that is not sponsored. It is purely for a friendly fun get together with friends/family.

Most of all Have Fun!! Be proud of yourself for what you are accomplishing!

Thanks to all those who are volunteering to keep time, take pictures, hand out water, and kayak.

If you have any questions respond in the comments or send me an e-mail.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What is LOVE?

Can love be defined in a picture?

Is it the color RED?

Can you Google love?
Wikipedia seems to know what love is.
Apparently all you need is a LOVE Calculator to tell you if your relationship will work out.

My whole life I have probably been thinking about the idea of love. Hoping, wishing wanting it to happen to me. It is the love we all dream of having. Some people get it confused with lust/sex* or some Twilight version of love, a selfish need to have someone without whom we are nothing. The only person we are nothing without is Christ. Anyone else, it doesn't matter how amazing they are, if we are not good enough on our own then we will not be good enough with someone else. Same as if we are not happy on our own then someone else won't make us happy. It comes from within! So many times we think I want to be loved, but do we forget that we ourselves need to learn how to love? A Love calculator isn't going to determine if your relationship will work out. President Gordon B. Hinckley agreed with Pearl Buck, who said: "Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought."

Often we try to force ourselves into love or force ourselves into thinking that we are in love. But love takes time, it grows. Love isn't "love at first sight" - that is attraction at first sight. Love comes as we take time to get to know someone, their interests, habits, perspective on life and the beliefs that we share. It comes as we share ambitions and dreams, hopes and fears. It is knowing someone well enough to learn their heart and character firsthand. President Hinckley has said, "Love--the companionship of one dearer than any friend; someone to be deliriously excited over and to be happy with; someone to stir within you the very best that is there; someone to grow more appreciative of, more tender toward, more grateful for, more a part of as one year becomes another and life move towards eternity." Love is a lifetime adventure to be embarked upon! Just like going on an adventure you get excited about it. President Hinckley quoted a columnist who said, "One of the grand errors we tend to make when we are young is supposing that a person is a bundle of qualities, and we add up the individual's good and bad qualities, like a bookkeeper working on debits and credits. If the balance is favorable, we may decide to take the jump [into marriage]... The world is full of unhappy men and women who married their mates because... it seemed to be a good investment. Love, however, is not an investment; it is an adventure." I remember a year+ or so ago thinking to myself and mentioning to Heavenly Father I want to find someone that I can have fun with. For me that meant that we would go out on backpacking, camping, traveling...adventures, that we would get lost together and laugh, that we could tease each other in a good way... For others it is something else. It is living, laughing, crying, forgiving, compassion, patience, happiness. Love is a gift bestowed and then to be acted upon. Like any gift from God if we do not act upon it, it can be taken away.

How do we act on this love that we find fills our hearts with hopes and dreams of how beautiful life could be?

This has been an unvocalized question in my heart for the last several months. I can't speak for how we get someone to fall in love with us, because this to me is a great mystery I wish to have unfolded in my life some day. But I can speak to how I have learned to ACT in Love.

I think one of the saddest things that I hear is when a wife or girlfriend treats their significant other with shrill voices, and live as if they are in control. I hear about it from co-workers, from friends, and I think there has got to be a better way. I remember listening to a talk given by Elder Holland called the Tongue of Angels. In this talk he gave some important chastisement to women. I remember at the time feeling grateful, because so often I feel like men are given the chastisement and women are looked over because they are sweet and sensitive. He said, "Wives, what of the unbridled tongue in your mouth, of the power for good or ill in your words? How is it that such a lovely voice which by divine nature is so angelic, so close to the veil, so instinctively gentle and inherently kind could ever in a turn be so shrill, so biting, so acrid and untamed? A woman's words can be more piercing than any dagger ever forged, and they can drive the people they love to retreat beyond a barrier more distant than anyone in the beginning of that exchange could ever have imagined. Sisters, there is no place in that magnificent spirit of yours for acerbic or abrasive expression of any kind, including gossip to backbiting or catty remarks." Would we treat our closest girlfriends in that kind of way? Why would we treat the closest men in our lives in such a way?

I listened to a talk the other day which well described many of the feelings that I have in regards to acting in love. It was called Ten Keys to Successful Dating and Marriage Relationships. It was given by Hugh W. Pinnock. The Ten things he lists are:

1.) Belief in Eternal Marriage
2.) Spirituality
Any person you create a relationship with is going to have differences from you. There will be times that disagreements occur. We need to communicate our feelings and each person needs to not take offence but have understanding and compassion for feelings expressed.
What I really appreciate about this one is that he said, "Be interested in one another, and yet set each other free to grow and mature--never free to flirt, but free to take on new challenges and to pursue new interests." I feel that dating or marriage is not meant to stifle your individuality but to encourage it, to support it, to embrace it. Something Sister Hinckley said about President Hinckley has long resonated with me, she said "He gave me wings to fly."
6.)Paying Compliments
7.)Talking Openly
Recently I have realized how important it is that we talk about the things that are hard to talk about. We should be able to have an open enough relationship to share our feelings of unhappiness without fear of backlash. We should be able to share our inner most fears without fear of being laughed at or chided.
8.)Apologizing and Forgetting
9.)Confiding Only in the Bishop (or Branch President)
10.)Having Fun

These 10 things I feel exemplify acting in love. And of course telling those that you love that you love them.

My hope is that we can learn to act in love. As Paul said, without charity we are nothing. To me that seems to speak that with charity we are everything. If we act in love even when there is none in return we become everything. Love is everything!

And the Greatest of These is Love President Gordon B. Hinckley
The Tongue of Angels Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

* Sex is not love, but it is an aspect of love in the appropriate setting. It is a beautiful, fun, pleasurable way to enhance a marriage relationship, but is not the only thing that will keep it going. Unfortunately you can't stay in bed all day every day, sometimes you have to come out and see the sun. =)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When I grow up!

When I was younger I liked to write poems and make up children's stories. One of which I illustrated and put on paper for a college course. Another I illustrated and began making copies for my brothers and sisters. Yet I never quite finished it. It takes time to draw. I recently found some of the poems I wrote and the story I began to make for my brother and sisters. I think I want to try and pick that one up again and complete it. Anyway one of my poems was called When I grow up. It illustrated the beauty of being a mom.

When I grow up I want to be a nurse!
Taking care of my children, cleaning their scrapes and kissing their boo boos.
When I grow up I want to be a singer!
Sing to my children as they nod off to sleep.
When I grow up I want to be an actor!
Play cowboys and Indians with my boys or dress up with my girls.
When I grow up I want to be a teacher!
Teach my children what is right and wrong and help them with their homework.
When I grow up I want to be a journalist!
I write my family newsletter to give to our Aunt's, Uncle's, and Grandparents.
When I grow up I want to be a business woman!
I keep track of all our bills, and budget our money.
When I grow up I want to be a caterer!
I plan and get ready meals daily.
When I grow up I want to manage a hotel!
My children's friends come over and have sleepovers.
When I grow up I want to write stories!
I make up stories for my children.
When I grow up I want to design clothes!
I make some of my children's clothes.
When I grow up I want to be an artist!
I draw pictures with my children and display them on the fridge.
When I grow up I want to be a coach!
I play all sorts of different sports with my children.
When I grow up I want to be a cheerleader!
I cheer my kids on in life.
When I grow up I want to be a photographer!
I take pictures at all sorts of events with my children.
When I grow up I want to be a film director!
I make home videos.
When I grow up I want to be a baker!
I cook all sorts of great treats for my kids' snacks.
When I grow up I want to be a secretary!
I keep everyone organized and remind him or her about their appointments.
When I grow up I want to be a Chauffeur!
I take everyone to the places that they need to be.
When I grow up I want to be a Mom!

Now there are probably a few things I would add to the list, and maybe a few I would take off. Like a Chauffeur, really??? What was I thinking. ha ha.

When I grow up I want to be an Adventurer!
I travel with my family and see all sorts of cool places and do cool things.
When I grow up I want to lead expeditions!
Plan hiking trips and backpack with my family.
When I grow up I want to be a personal trainer!
Help my family stay healthy and incorporate fun physical activity into their lives.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love, Faith, Hope in Christ

"Your spiritual destiny will have obstacles, delays, and equipment malfunctions. There will be mistakes. You may wonder if you are going to make it. Don’t be discouraged! You will also have moments of hope and faith as doors open and obstacles are overcome. Continue, persist, above all, believe in Christ and learn to follow Him and His prophets; endure, as Nephi said, with a “brightness of hope” (2 Nephi 31:20). As you do, I promise you, one day you will hear your name. You will make it." ~ Elder Neil L. Andersen This Quote can be found in the link below, which contains the talk he gave.

Preparing for your Spiritual Destiny

I have a quote on my door that says, "Things will work out. Keep trying. Be believing, Be happy. Don't get discouraged. Things will work out." President Gordon B. Hinckley said this. It was given to me on my mission but I have found it to apply so much in my life and often a needed reminder. I get tired, I get frustrated, I become overwhelmed. In those moments I rely on my faith from the past, on the past miracles that I have experienced, and on the past memories of truths witnessed to my soul. I remind myself to hope, hope for a brighter future.

Recently a friend was sharing with me her desire to have hope for a bright future. I really liked that idea and wanted to take action on having that hope. I know for myself it is one thing to say it in my head, but my heart doesn't always listen to what my head has to say. SO there are times when it takes an effort on my part to show my heart who is boss. Acting in hope is a beautiful thing. I have learned so much from it. It has also given me a chance to show my love a little bit more to those I appreciate in my life. When I act and choose the right choices, not just the good choices(as another good friend taught me), my heart becomes full and any discouragement, loneliness, frustration... gradually goes away, and it is replaced with love. Love of self, love of others, and love of Christ and our Father in Heaven.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bored in the Bathroom?

My coworker friends are thinking we should ask to get these for each of the stalls in the bathrooms as a benefit and for employee morale. What do you think? :D

Monday, February 8, 2010


Life can be quite unexpected at times. Things are going well and then you are thrown a curve and expected to react in some sort of way to the unknown of what the future may bring. It is in those moments where I feel that I have come to know myself best. Where I have come to truly know my hearts desires. In some of those moments I have had the thoughts of what if this possibility of this trial came true in my life? How would my life be affected? What friends would I gain, what friends would I possibly lose? How would those close to me deal with the burden? Am I doing what I want to be doing in my life right now? Am I loving those that are around me enough? Am I saying goodbye to my fears? Am I living the kind of life that I am proud of? Am I serving the Lord to the best of my abilities? Are my prayers with real intent? Is my scripture study engaging? Am I doing all within my power to live a happy life? Am I supporting my friends? Tons and tons of questions enter the mind and you get down to your very deepest desires. Your prayers become even more earnest for those you love and you become a little less selfish in the process. Realizing in those moments what truly matters most. In the end my curve ball did not bring about the worst possibilities, but it did bring about a greater love for life and a greater love for those who I have to share my life with. It brought about a sense of peace that I am doing all I can do within my sphere to bring about my own happiness. Sure there are things that I am without that could add to my happiness but I cannot affect others choices, I can only make my own. And I am doing all that I can to act in hope for a brighter future and am grateful for the present light that I live in now!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It is amazing when you come to realize that you love someone. When you truly have love in your heart your selfish desires seem to take a backseat along with jealousy. You realize that what you ultimately care about is their happiness. Your happiness doesn't take a back seat to theirs, it is only enhanced. Even if their happiness does not end up including you, when you truly love them and have an understanding of God's love you realize that "it is ok!" Your happiness can continue on realizing that you can love again with trust that some day that person you love will choose to love you back.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Crush Confessions

Yes again with the ruggedly handsome face. Really this is just happiness ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19, 2006

4 years ago I walked off the plane to be pleasantly surprised by my family who I had not seen in a year and a half happily waiting for me with an airport security guard. Two people looked somewhat unfamiliar to me, thinking they must be friends of the family, only to realize that they were my brother Seth and sister Laura who I thought for a second were missing. Hugs, tears of joy, a very happy reunion, exclamations of shock as to the weight I had lost :). Soon we were quickly on our way through this strange new city of Austin to meet my Stake President who would release me from my mission in his home. Sadness overwhelmed me as President Dixon talked about how I was stepping off the plane and into a new life. Why couldn't I have extended, why did the Elders seem to think that I needed to go home to continue my progression in life? Why when some of the greatest happiness I had ever felt had been in serving the Lord and his people. How could I take off the name tag of Sister Clements that I had come to love soo much? Funny when I first walked into the mission and everything was strange. Elders talked about how much they loved Oregon and its people, I thought I would never get used to being called Sister Clements, it made me feel old at first. And then over the next year and a half I came to love Sister Clements, I came to love Oregon and it's people. I witnessed the love that God has for his children and for me.
That year and a half has shaped the 4 years that I have lived since then. I learned patience, hope, faith, love... and many other attributes that have given me so much strength as I have come into different situations. I always remember the miracles witnessed and remember to have hope. I remember the love God has for me and know that he is still with me. I remember the spirit he blessed me with to bless others lives and know that I still have that spirit now to continue to be a blessing in others lives. I came to know my Savior and Heavenly Father in a way that I had never known them before. I came to trust in them like I had never needed to trust in them before. I came to understand how Heavenly Father works in our lives and answers our prayers. I have still grown much since then, and will continue to grow much, but such a wonderful foundation I was blessed to have in serving a mission. I see why I needed to come home and continue to progress in a different way. My purpose has not changed from my mission, it is just in a new area with new people and a different environment.

Happy 4 years Michelle!! Here is to another wonderful many years to come.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Choose to be Chosen

Welcome 2010!

2010 is going to be a grand year! That is what I told my friend from work. When he asked me why it would be grand I stated because I am going to make it grand. I am choosing to have a grand year. What am I going to do to make it so grand. I started it off with a bang going on a week long cruise with 4 other girls and let me tell you it was soooo relaxing. I really needed it after working and school allll year long last year and knowing I had another full year of the same thing coming up. It rejuvenated me and remotivated me!! Nothing like relaxing by a pool in a swim suit, waking up early to watch a sunrise, hiking around ancient Mayan ruins, racing around Cozumel, and enjoying a warm beach to prepare me for the stresses of the coming year. Oh yeah and lets not forget the yummy food!!

Going on a cruise with 4 other individuals could be complicated, but we went with one rule. We could choose to do whatever we wanted to do. We could do things collectively or individually. It was all about fun and not about drama. The biggest drama we experienced was the sad loss of UT in the National Championship game. You better believe Tamara, Larissa and I watched the football game in the society bar\lounge among many other Texas fans.
After getting home from the cruise I felt excited about the coming year. Excited to see where my life will take me for another year. Another triathlon event in April, camping and hiking in Big Bend, another year of school completed.
I have been reflecting a lot on choices recently and our power to choose. We may not always get to choose the situations that we are in, but we do get to choose how we react to those situations. This year I am choosing to be chosen!! What does that mean?
It means at work I will make an extra effort to stay motivated despite the hardships that come form working in a manufacturing industry, I will be a better employee so as to be chosen by my employer. It means at school I will choose to excel a little more and find ways to apply the things that I am learning in my life. I will seek opportunity to further my career in health and fitness so I will be chosen for the things that I want to do. It means that I will be the right kind of girl so that I may eventually be chosen by the right kind of guy. It means that I will choose to serve the Lord more fully so that he may choose me. 3 Nephi 19:20

It is such a huge blessing that we get to choose our lives, we made the choice to come to this earth and to prove ourselves. Now as we live and struggle and rejoice we are proving to ourselves our very character. We are gaining confidence in who we are as sons and daughters of God. Hard times come but it is in the midst of those hard times that we find the strength that is within and we learn how to trust in our Lord and His promises.

This is a great talk I came across as I was thinking about choices. I specifically liked when he talks about reclaiming our agency. Check it out on or click on the reference below.

Robert D. Hales, “To Act for Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Agency,” Ensign, May 2006, 4–8