
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love, Faith, Hope in Christ

"Your spiritual destiny will have obstacles, delays, and equipment malfunctions. There will be mistakes. You may wonder if you are going to make it. Don’t be discouraged! You will also have moments of hope and faith as doors open and obstacles are overcome. Continue, persist, above all, believe in Christ and learn to follow Him and His prophets; endure, as Nephi said, with a “brightness of hope” (2 Nephi 31:20). As you do, I promise you, one day you will hear your name. You will make it." ~ Elder Neil L. Andersen This Quote can be found in the link below, which contains the talk he gave.

Preparing for your Spiritual Destiny

I have a quote on my door that says, "Things will work out. Keep trying. Be believing, Be happy. Don't get discouraged. Things will work out." President Gordon B. Hinckley said this. It was given to me on my mission but I have found it to apply so much in my life and often a needed reminder. I get tired, I get frustrated, I become overwhelmed. In those moments I rely on my faith from the past, on the past miracles that I have experienced, and on the past memories of truths witnessed to my soul. I remind myself to hope, hope for a brighter future.

Recently a friend was sharing with me her desire to have hope for a bright future. I really liked that idea and wanted to take action on having that hope. I know for myself it is one thing to say it in my head, but my heart doesn't always listen to what my head has to say. SO there are times when it takes an effort on my part to show my heart who is boss. Acting in hope is a beautiful thing. I have learned so much from it. It has also given me a chance to show my love a little bit more to those I appreciate in my life. When I act and choose the right choices, not just the good choices(as another good friend taught me), my heart becomes full and any discouragement, loneliness, frustration... gradually goes away, and it is replaced with love. Love of self, love of others, and love of Christ and our Father in Heaven.

1 comment:

  1. I liked what Carrie said at the VT workshop last night. We should be as vigilant about spreading good as satan is about spreading evil. Satan never gives up trying new ways to entice man. So we should work harder to spread love, hope, charity, and light! Thanks for being on the good side!
