
Monday, January 11, 2010

Choose to be Chosen

Welcome 2010!

2010 is going to be a grand year! That is what I told my friend from work. When he asked me why it would be grand I stated because I am going to make it grand. I am choosing to have a grand year. What am I going to do to make it so grand. I started it off with a bang going on a week long cruise with 4 other girls and let me tell you it was soooo relaxing. I really needed it after working and school allll year long last year and knowing I had another full year of the same thing coming up. It rejuvenated me and remotivated me!! Nothing like relaxing by a pool in a swim suit, waking up early to watch a sunrise, hiking around ancient Mayan ruins, racing around Cozumel, and enjoying a warm beach to prepare me for the stresses of the coming year. Oh yeah and lets not forget the yummy food!!

Going on a cruise with 4 other individuals could be complicated, but we went with one rule. We could choose to do whatever we wanted to do. We could do things collectively or individually. It was all about fun and not about drama. The biggest drama we experienced was the sad loss of UT in the National Championship game. You better believe Tamara, Larissa and I watched the football game in the society bar\lounge among many other Texas fans.
After getting home from the cruise I felt excited about the coming year. Excited to see where my life will take me for another year. Another triathlon event in April, camping and hiking in Big Bend, another year of school completed.
I have been reflecting a lot on choices recently and our power to choose. We may not always get to choose the situations that we are in, but we do get to choose how we react to those situations. This year I am choosing to be chosen!! What does that mean?
It means at work I will make an extra effort to stay motivated despite the hardships that come form working in a manufacturing industry, I will be a better employee so as to be chosen by my employer. It means at school I will choose to excel a little more and find ways to apply the things that I am learning in my life. I will seek opportunity to further my career in health and fitness so I will be chosen for the things that I want to do. It means that I will be the right kind of girl so that I may eventually be chosen by the right kind of guy. It means that I will choose to serve the Lord more fully so that he may choose me. 3 Nephi 19:20

It is such a huge blessing that we get to choose our lives, we made the choice to come to this earth and to prove ourselves. Now as we live and struggle and rejoice we are proving to ourselves our very character. We are gaining confidence in who we are as sons and daughters of God. Hard times come but it is in the midst of those hard times that we find the strength that is within and we learn how to trust in our Lord and His promises.

This is a great talk I came across as I was thinking about choices. I specifically liked when he talks about reclaiming our agency. Check it out on or click on the reference below.

Robert D. Hales, “To Act for Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Agency,” Ensign, May 2006, 4–8

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS! You have been inspiring me to take control of choices and to recognize how choices are shaping me for several months now. My dad once described me as having a quiet boldness...I think this a quality I see in you as well, "quiet" Michelle not afraid to boldly express the blessings you have because of putting into action the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
