
Friday, December 31, 2010

Living in Anticipation!

Since the beginning of this year when I stated that this was going to be a grand year I have been living in anticipation of what each day and month would bring.

At the beginning of this year I wrote a post about how I was going to Choose to be Chosen.

In it I stated: "This year I am choosing to be chosen!! What does that mean?
It means at work I will make an extra effort to stay motivated despite the hardships that come from working in a manufacturing industry, I will be a better employee so as to be chosen by my employer. It means at school I will choose to excel a little more and find ways to apply the things that I am learning in my life. I will seek opportunity to further my career in health and fitness so I will be chosen for the things that I want to do. It means that I will be the right kind of girl so that I may eventually be chosen by the right kind of guy. It means that I will choose to serve the Lord more fully so that he may choose me. 3 Nephi 19:20"

I have been blessed with incredible opportunities this year. There have been ups and downs. My character and strength has been strengthened this year. It has been an incredible journey, a few of the lessons learned I have posted about. Others have just been thoughts in my head building my understanding of God and his works.

I said I wanted to be chosen as an employee, as a student, as a woman, and by the Lord.

As an employee I had some amazing blessings (raises, bonuses, work from home) come to me because of my work ethic which then opened up opportunities as a student.

As a student I created better relationships with my professors in my chosen field of study. As a result I was chosen to participate in an independent study with a professor for college credit. This allowed me to pursue more of my own personal goals, such as becoming Zumba instructor certified. I was also nominated for Major of the Year in the Texas Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine by my professor. I have a great internship lined up as well for the Spring semester with MediFit at Dell.

As a woman the right kind of guy chose to date me, which lets be honest was a pretty darn big highlight to my year! I won't get all sappy (I don't want to cause people to puke on their keyboards ;) but I am happy about it as well. Miracles do occur!

I have been blessed to serve the Lord in many different ways this year and honestly have felt that all of the above mentioned blessings have come from him. Yes I did work hard, because I did need to Take Action, but I have been greatly blessed in the actions that I have chosen. Which is great because I did seek the Lord's guidance as I made tough choices this year. I chose to move and that required some faith and hope on my part. I put aside my fears and decided to trust in what I felt in my heart and mind to be right and true and I have been greatly blessed as a result in many aspects of my life.

Basically this sums up my year: My joys are being fulfilled, my dreams are closer, and my prayers have been answered.

2010 was a grand year! I am excited for 2011 and the beauties and wonders I will behold.


  1. Michelle, you are the best. I miss you!

  2. Elizabeth is right, you are pretty dang awesome. Plus, you referenced my blog! I needed to re-read that. I wore my "Take Action" shirt today in fact, needed to be inspired.
