
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Triathlon Course

Race starts 9 am Pflugerville Lake
Click above link for directions
Swimming Course ~ 500 meters

Biking Duathlon/Athlon starts 9:15 am ~11.2 Miles
Be Careful to watch for those transitioning from swimming!
Wear a Bike Helmet!
Click the mile link for turn by turn directions.
Running Athlon ~3 Miles
Starts 10:10am

Be Responsible for your safety!! If swimming and you get a cramp tread water, float on your back. There will be a Kayak Man :) with a life jacket.

When biking be sure to have a helmet. The roads have lots of cyclists on them often in the area, but they are still traveled by cars and there are no shoulders. Be aware of what is surrounding you.

Remember this is an amateur event that is not sponsored. It is purely for a friendly fun get together with friends/family.

Most of all Have Fun!! Be proud of yourself for what you are accomplishing!

Thanks to all those who are volunteering to keep time, take pictures, hand out water, and kayak.

If you have any questions respond in the comments or send me an e-mail.

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