
Friday, June 15, 2012

And it came to pass that I dwelt in a tent!

Many of my friends know that I have an adventurous spirit.
So when I told them that I would be moving into a tent many knew I was adventurous enough and determined enough to do it.

I have received a lot of different responses
Those who knew I would enjoy it but never in a million years would they want to do it.
Those who said, "THAT is AWESOME! and secretly wished they were doing it too!
And of course my brothers and sisters who secretly took bets of how long I would last.
My brother Seth's response: "So your homeless?" I let him know that "no my home is a tent!"
My brother Nathan let me know that it was OK if I didn't make it past one night, because he wouldn't make it an evening.
My sister Laura gave me two weeks. Ha, surpassed that!
 Shannon was the one that said I would make it for the two months.

On my birthday it will have been 3 weeks! And it has been fun!
Yes, the weather is warm, but my body has been adjusting.

After the first night I realized that ear plugs would be necessary, the cicada's are sure loud especially when you are camping surrounded by trees full of them. After about a week I began sleeping without the ear plugs and sleep just fine!

I realized the other day when I move back into an apartment it is going to seem unnaturally quiet and again I will probably have trouble sleeping.

I have had a few spiders build webs at my tent door. I allow them to stay as long as I can get in and out, but as soon as they make it so I can't get in, they got to go!

My Lantern makes my tent glow at night and I think the funny part is that the bugs like to fly right into the side of my tent. I chuckle to myself when I hear them. 

Every morning I find Cicada shells all over my tent. Last night I caught one that was finishing it's shedding process. I had never actually seen a cicada just the shells. I thought that was fun to see.

Cicada and shell


 My tent location!
 Views from inside my tent. What I wake up to in the morning.

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