
Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Non-Traditional Mother

I grew up in a home with a very traditional mother.
She taught me the kind of woman I wanted to be.
She was home when I came home from school and had snacks ready.
She is the kind of mother I dream of being.
Loving, kind, faithful, supportive, fun...

Isn't she cute!

The other day I had a conversation with a co-worker/friend in which I ended it expressing my desire that my dream is to be a mother.

For years I have been preparing myself for the opportunity. Starting at a young age, being the oldest of 7 I had so many opportunities to care for and love my siblings.

Then on a mission I had the opportunity to teach others, to train new missionaries, to open my heart to new companions.

As I have had room mates, together we have helped each other improve our skills, such as cooking, preparing what we liked to call practice dinners. 

Throughout the years I have strengthened my relationship with Christ and Heavenly Father, learning to depend on them in all situations.

I have had experiences that have taught me great things that will help me to be a mother through room mates, through boyfriends, through friends, through my family, through visiting teaching, and through serving in callings.

 I have been thinking about Alma when in Alma 29 he declares: O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart. Yea I would...
But, I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.

I feel my cry is: O that I were a mother, and could have the wish of mine heart. Yea I would...
But, I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.

In the past year I have been realizing that I have become a non-traditional Mother. A mother that is not recognized by many or necessarily even celebrated. But a mother in every true sense of the word, a nurturer, a heart full of love, a sharer of my heart and knowledge...don't worry, I have my faults, and I reach moments of exhaustion.

This year I have learned to look at my experiences in a new light. I have loved being a visiting teacher and sharing my love and desire to sacrifice for another with them, I have loved teaching the 12 and 13 year old Sunday School class and loving them, I have enjoyed loving my friends, I have enjoyed sharing my knowledge and testimony with others. I have enjoyed holding babies. I have learned to recognize that I am overly blessed to be able to act with motherly qualities towards others.

I have thought of the parable of the talents how 1 man was given 5 another 3 and another 1. The men given 5 and 3 doubled their talents, while the man given 1 buried his. How important is it for me, even though I do not have children of my own to nurture and love, to double my talents that the Lord has blessed me with. I do not want to bury my talents because my circumstances are such that I need to search for opportunities to use them. I want to return to the Lord saying I did my best in every circumstance!

I recently read 3 Nephi 22 in a new light.  I felt like it was speaking to one who has a heartache of some kind and saying break forth into singing, and cry aloud: you have reason to rejoice! The Lord says!

Then what I feel is my call: "Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes." Basically open your heart, serve others, share my testimony, and help to strengthen those who I am around.

I have come to learn to live the dream I have of being a mother, while my circumstances do not permit me to be one in the traditional sense. I have come to ponder what things I can learn from the experiences I am given in life and how these lessons learned can apply in different situations.

1 comment:

  1. You could still become the traditional kind too. But if you need more practice you can always come visit.
