
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Called to Serve

I feel very blessed to have the siblings I have. Each with different personalities and different perspectives but all with a desire to serve the Lord. I have learned from each of them as they have overcome different obstacles and moved forward in faith.

My sister Laura is a great example of an individual who is resilient in the face of difficulty and strong because she pulls through tough circumstances in grace. She is one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I know. She is always conscious of how words may effect those around her and tries to be sensitive to their needs. These are qualities that will serve her well as she begins to embark on her mission to Brazil.

In 2011 when my family lost their house and all their belongings in a wildfire my sister lost everything she owned. Her collection of snow globes and other precious material things lost in a moment. Previous to the fire she had been asked to give a talk for church. The Sunday she was asked to give a talk on was the Sunday directly following the Monday that the house burned down. It had been a whirlwind of a week with my family house-less and trying to figure out where they would live. My sisters topic for her talk that she had been given was on gratitude and she gave the most beautiful talk I have ever heard on gratitude especially in the midst of being in unexpected transition and loss. She knew and had an appreciation for what is most important and her faith sustained her. 

Then as she was preparing to leave for her mission and was excited to go in August, unexpectedly just shortly before it was time for her to leave she fell and broke her ankle. This was a devastating blow and heartbreaking for her. She was sad when her date to leave came and went. But she found things to be grateful for and she continued to study Portuguese. It allowed her to be around when our youngest brother got a call to Brazil as well and realized that they could now study Portuguese together. While I know she would have loved to go out when she was originally supposed to, she tried to keep the perspective that God knew her and all would be well.

She inspires me onward to be resilient in circumstances that I wish could be different. I am excited for her to be the 3rd and final sister from our family to go and serve. Laura has desired to serve a mission since she was a young girl. She is probably the first girl in our family who truly desired it before receiving revelation that it is what the Lord would have her do. The rest of us girls needed the Lord to say, "I want you to serve a mission." Then the desire came and we went out and served with all of our hearts and loved every minute of it. 

Laura set apart as a sister missionary for the LDS church to serve in the Sao Paulo North Brazil Mission

She flies out early tomorrow morning to attend the Missionary Training Center where she will study the Portuguese language and continue to grow in her teaching skills. Sister Clements I wish you the best! You have much to give and share and will be a blessing to many just as they will be a blessing to you!

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