
Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Letter for You

Dear You,

I was thinking of you and the struggles that we go through in life. You are a (missionary, wife, mother, daughter, husband, father, son...) who desires to give all! What a beautiful thing that is! You will work your heart out to accomplish great things in the Kingdom of God. You have righteous desires to [insert desire here] and you will do absolutely everything you can to accomplish this. And sometimes when you have given your all and tried everything you can think of, it seems to not be enough and you are left asking the Lord and seeking for what more can you do. There must be something you are missing, because this is surely the desire of the Lord for you, so there must be something he can tell you that will bring about this great miracle of [insert miracle here]. Let me assure you if there is something missing he will share it with you as you seek for it!

But sometimes his purposes are not completely known to us, sometimes even though he has the power to change or soften hearts or other miraculous miracles that we think are needed it is not his will at this time. We can trust that all righteous desires will be fulfilled at some time, but those miracles will come about in the Lord's time. We have the opportunity to exercise our faith in knowing that the Lord can accomplish these miracles, because we've seen it, and trusting that he will be in all the details no matter the current outcome. As we exercise our faith and do our part to act we can learn to put our trust in his will and remember it is His plan, not our own, that we chose to be a part of.

Elder Bednar in his talk titled "That We Might 'Not...Shrink' (D&C 19:18)" stated: "a principle that applies to every devoted disciple: strong faith in the Savior is submissively accepting of His will and timing in our lives—even if the outcome is not what we hoped for or wanted. Certainly, [we] would desire, yearn, and plead for [insert desire here] with all of [our] might, mind, and strength. But more importantly, [we can] be “willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [us], even as a child doth submit to his father” (Mosiah 3:19). Indeed, [we can] be willing to “offer [our] whole souls as an offering unto him” (Omni 1:26) and humbly pray, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42)."

You are a wonderfully devoted disciple and have much to do in the service of God. I am so happy for the choices you have made for you will be continually blessed and constantly learn throughout your life as you continue to give your heart to the Lord. You will continue to learn of your weakness and you will be able to envision how much the Lord loves you and glimpse throughout life the great purposes he has for you. There will be many struggles that come and there will be great happiness that you can't even imagine. Always the Lord will be with you, even if you feel alone you can trust he is there and he hears your prayers, he understands your desires. Hold onto that knowledge and the time will come when you will see his purposes fulfilled and you will rejoice in His will and that it was greater than your own.



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