
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Scriptural Friends

I am grateful for those who have lived before us and their stories and experiences have been shared so that we might be able to learn from their examples of faith and trust in God. 

I have a few friends from the scriptures that have taught me valuable lessons.

While I was studying Job I had this thought,
 Sometimes the Lord shows forth his great power through us by his great miracles of deliverance, fulfilling our desires, healings... and other times his power is shown through us by his great miracles of strength to endure, patience, and faith. Either way a miracle is provided and his mighty arm is shown.  I love what the scriptures taught me about Job. He endured many hard things, lost much, and had people think that because of his hardships or lack, he must have done wrong or not been doing enough. Job, humbly praised the Lord, he humbly asked forgiveness of his sins, he is brought closer to the lord through his hardships, and eventually he was given twice as much as he had before.Gives me hope for the future and ability to let go of the past.And know that all things as we follow the Lord's impressions are for our good, even if they are a sacrifice for our hearts.The pains of today can be swallowed up in the joys of tomorrow. We have reason to rejoice.Because we are in God's hands.
Abraham is another great example to me and I have sought to learn from his example.

This being a great example of his hope and faith:
Abraham believed God... Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become... he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Romans 4:3,18-21

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