
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Unfair Pain

I have been having a lot of conversations with God about this lately.
It seems so many people I love and care about are going through some heartache that is not fair and no fault of their own.

And of course I think of my own heartache and inner suffering that I feel from time to time.
It seems to hit randomly and brings my heart to much sorrow, not just because of what I lack, but then also leads me to feeling the sorrow for those who are dear to me. Those who struggle with similar pain, who have endured pain longer, or who have suffered even greater than I. Before I know it I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, I feel tired and sad. I wish I could change circumstances, but know that I can't. I plead for help to change circumstances, that maybe this one prayer will be the one to make all the difference. That it will tip the blessing in my favor, in my friends favor.

Honestly sometimes it seems that the other end is silent in granting what I want most. It seems that I have put forth the effort to become... and it is greeted with the almost blessing: The blessing that is the simple joy letting me know that God loves me.

A beautiful sunset
A sweet compliment
A rainbow in the sky
The Bluebonnets dotting my drive to work
The sweet and peaceful feeling of the spirit
A Hug
A text message from a family member full of love...

All of these things reminding me that God has heard my prayer even if my or my friends circumstances don't seem to be changing.

I continue to pray because of these simple experiences that continue to happen. They let me know if the little things matter so much to Him, then He must be helping me with the greater things, and I just can't see it.

This morning I felt weighed down with sorrow and not sure what would uplift me. I didn't want a pep talk, I didn't want to listen to what I should keep doing because I already know and am committed to it in my heart. The Lord knows that.

In search of something but not sure what I went to Often I find uplifting and inspiring talks, but honestly did not feel like that was what would make the difference. I went because I knew it was a source for inspiration and despite my disbelief that anything could make a difference, trusted that the Lord would provide in some way.

On the front page was a video representation of the Savior Suffering in Gethsemane.

I clicked to watch it feeling that maybe it could offer some sort of relief.

There was a man representing the Savior heavily weighed down with sorrow, looking tired and worn, with the literal weight of the world on his shoulders.

He did not look happy, he did not look joyous, but he was willing. Willing to suffer for me and for my friends. Willing to continue to do what was right even though it would cause him the greatest of all suffering. He asked for it to be removed and yet he continued to endure in sorrow, in my friends and my sorrow according to the Father's will, so that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father after this life. So that we can have the greatest happiness.

It made the difference. It was OK that my heart was full of sorrow and that life feels hard, He understands that better than I do. He understands wanting it to be taken away, He understands wanting different circumstances. All of a sudden I wasn't alone in my pain, He shared it with me.

I feel that when we endure through sorrow to do what is right we will receive the greatest happiness as a result, in this life and the next. This is my hope and my faith.

These are a few things that have inspired me during my own pain and heartache:

The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane

The Atonement Covers All Pain

The Songs They Could Not Sing

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