
Friday, April 15, 2011

Hello Betty Crocker*

So I love to cook. I even have a friend who calls me Betty Crocker, hence the title. Really she is just humoring me, but I'll take it. I would probably even dedicate a blog to cooking if I had the time, but I happen to have other passions in life as well. I would also love to have a whole blog dedicated to fitness and health but then when would I sleep.

I am excited because in just 1 week my life will get a little less hectic and by less hectic I mean I will not have to wake up in the morning, work for two hours, run to my internship and work for 8 hours and then last but not least another 4 hours of work. It was worse than that at the beginning of the semester when I was working 10 hours at my internship plus the work. whew yeah, that was tiring.

It means I actually get to cook myself new meals. When I said I like to cook I mean new things. My room mate can attest I never make myself the same meal twice. Though I do have a few staples like crockpot chicken tacos which are awesome and easy. I also made a jumbalya not long ago that I loved that was also awesome and easy, so that will probably be a keeper.

I am looking forward to only having work. I am also looking forward to traveling.

Have I mentioned I am planning on going on a National Park graduation/birthday adventure!!!

This will be one of the many beautiful views I will be able to experience. I will be closer to reaching my lifetime goal of visiting and hiking all National Parks.
How can you put a price on this?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait!

    I'm excited for your life to be less hectic. You deserve a break!

    Also, I'm glad you liked the chimichangas! :) They are so good!
