
Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today I had a wonderful lesson in Relief Society* about sacrifice. It brought to me many thoughts that I have had previously and has caused further reflection. She, our teacher, started with the story of Naomi from the Bible which brought to my mind Ruth. Ruth and I have a special connection. She has taught me much and I try to follow her example.

Then I thought about Abraham and his sacrifices. Most often when I have thought about Abraham I have thought about the sacrifice of his son, but really his sacrifices started earlier than that. In chapter 15 of Genesis he desires to have children and the Lord gives him a promise that his seed shall be as the stars in the sky.

But he must wait years for this promise to be realized in his life. In chapter 21 is when Isaac is born and the promise of the Lord is preserved through him. In chapter 15 Abraham is 46ish, in chapter 21 he is 100 years old. The promise was not forgotten it was just fulfilled in the Lord's timing. Abraham all those years grew in faith and trust in the promises of the Lord.

And then he is asked to sacrifice his son, to let him go. He represents the promises that he has been given, he had come to understand that Isaac was the fulfillment of these promises made. Why is he asked to make him a sacrifice? For a reason I am sure he did not know or comprehend he was asked for this sacrifice and he went forth trusting in the Lord. I can't imagine the heartache he likely felt as he was thinking of the loss his son would be in his life. But with each step he took he acted in faith.

Interestingly it was not just Abraham who needed to sacrifice his will but also Isaac. Isaac, I imagine, did not understand either why his father was asked to sacrifice him, why when I am sure things were going good, his life was meant to end as a sacrifice.

Both Abraham and Isaac sacrificed their will to the Lord's will. I am sure Isaac knew of his father's ability to speak with the Lord and trusted that whatever his Father did was because the spirit was directing him to do so.

When the time was right the Lord sent and angel to stop Abraham. Both Abraham and Isaac had proved they they were willing to give of their desires and follow the Lord's will. Many great and wonderful blessings came as a result of their putting aside their own desires and following the will of God.

From this experience great lessons were learned, both of them received their desires but it was after they were willing to put the Lord first, above their desires. Lessons needed to be learned, growth needed to happen on both of their behalfs.

It is most likely that none of us will ever have to sacrifice a child or our own lives, but their will be moments in our lives when we are asked to sacrifice of our greatest desires. Where we will be required to put our faith and trust in the Lord and realize that his promised blessings will come forth in his timing. The Lord will guide us just as he guided Abraham, and he will teach us, and he will help us to grow. We will have grief, we will have joy, we will have his comfort if we seek after it. And we too will be blessed and receive great and wonderful blessings just as we have been promised.

* Relief Society is the 3rd hour meeting of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where the women meet together to be spiritually uplifted by a lesson and discussion on a gospel principle.

1 comment:

  1. I just read this right now and I am so touched! Thank you!
