
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Circle of Love*

I have been thinking a lot about service recently. Mostly in serving God, thinking of the scripture in Mosiah 2:17 from the Book of Mormon which states, "And behold I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."

Most recently I became sick and began to receive much service which I have been so grateful for. As I was thinking of the many ways I was served I also realized that because of this service it gave me a greater love for all of these people and I in turn wanted to open my eyes a little more and find ways that I might be able to bless their lives as they had blessed mine. I am still working on that part, but there have been so many that I want to say thank you to. In no particular order because each did what they could to bless my life, and each thought meant so much to me.

My dad for allowing others to serve me, and for serving my brothers.
My mom for calling me and checking in on me.
My brother Nathan for giving me his suit jacket when I was shivering cold, and for driving us home from Dallas and enduring it so well despite his own sickness.
My brother Seth for inspiring me to ask for a Priesthood blessing
My brother Willie for visiting me in between his classes, despite my eyes having trouble staying open. :)
My sister-in-law Kami for checking on me, and calling me.
Desiree Heidi for taking me to the ER and sitting with me as I shivered in the cold Lobby, and re-explaining everything the doctor told me, and figuring out my pills till after 3 in the morning...
Christa Haring for breakfast, dinner, and being sick with me. ;)
Ali Hancock for the text message
Phillip Payne for the phone call
Arturo Vega for the blessing and follow-up
Vince Methot for the blessing
Flor Porras for dropping off food
Tamara Kelm for her prayers, thoughts, and chats
Elizabeth Jeffery for listening
Austin Swafford for making me laugh
Taryn Eastwood for facebook comments
Nathan Brown for well wishes
Hubert Laury for phone calls from work to check on me & making me laugh
Sid Hernandez for phone call from work and laughter
Jeddy Stailey for helping take care of my room mate and being willing to serve
David Pruitt for helping take care of my room mate and being willing to serve
Larissa Stalinsky for checking in on me

And to the many others who have had me in their prayers and thoughts. For those simple things that went unnoticed by me. Thank You!!

Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

Thank you for all of your great love!


*Cheesy title, maybe, but from the heart yes.
**Picture depicts: The Martin Handcart Company heading west in 1856 was caught in Wyoming by the early arrival of winter weather. Many would die before they reached the Salt Lake Valley. A rescue party sent by Brigham Young met the company and helped get them through. One especially difficult part of the journey was the crossing of the Sweetwater River. Cold and hunger had left the pioneers weak, and the crossing seemed impossible. However, men from the rescue party, some only teenagers, bravely stepped forward and carried many members of the company across the icy water. This heroic act was an inspiring moment amid the tragic experiences of the Martin Handcart Company. - Clicking on the picture will take you to the website with more of the story.

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