
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Giving Thanks

During tough times in life it is hard to remember the things that we are grateful for, or what to have hope in. Recently I have been feeling stressed and really just having a hard time. Nothing major, just a lot going on. All very important things that need to happen, but are not always easy. This video has a wonderful message that gives me hope. The message of Christ is what gives me strength to endure the hard times.

I also came across this quote that I wanted to share.

President Boyd K. Packer said, " There are three parts to the plan. You are in the second or the middle part, the one in which you will be tested by temptation, by trials, perhaps by tragedy...
"Remember this! The line 'And they all lived happily ever after' is never written into the second act [of a play]. That line belongs in the third act, when the mysteries are solved and everything is put right...
"Until you have a broad perspective of the eternal nature of [the plan], you won't make much sense out of the inequities in life. Some are born with so little and others with so much. Some are born in poverty, with handicaps, with pain, with suffering. Some experience premature death, even innocent children. There are the brutal, unforgiving forces of nature and the brutality of man to man. We have seen a lot of that recently.
"Do not suppose that God willfully causes that which, for His own purposes, he permits. When you know the plan and the purpose of it all, even these things will manifest a loving Father in Heaven." (The Play and the Plan, 7 May 1995)

Life is tough and some terrible things can happen in our lives. But I know that through tragedy, hardships, lonliness, we can know that we are not really alone. That we have a loving Heavenly Father who will weep with us. We have a Savior who has felt our pain and therefore knows how to comfort us. In my darkest moments when I have turned to my Savior I have been filled with his light. I have had some special experiences in those moments when I have come to know that he truly does live and that he truly does love me and that I am not alone.

1 comment:

  1. you're nice. thanks for the comment on my blog. made my day!
