
Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is the Resurrection and the Life!

I know that Christ lives! Everything I have in my life I owe to him. On a daily basis I have the opportunity to come closer to him and come to know him even greater. I have peace and happiness in my life because of him. I know that relationships I have with friends and family members can continue beyond this life because of my Saviors sacrifice. I know all those who have lost their lives in their youth or in their old age will live again, because there was a man. A man who was perfect, who was better than any man who has ever lived. He was good and yet when the moment came for the people to choose between Christ and Barabbas, they chose Barabbas. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, an Apostle of the Lord, put it this way, "It is one of the ironies of history that sitting with Jesus in prison was a real blasphemer, a murderer and revolutionary known as Barabbas, a name or title in Aramaic meaning 'son of the father.' Free to release one prisoner in the spirit of the Passover tradition, Pilate asked the people, 'Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?' They said, 'Barabbas.' So one godless 'son of the father' was set free while a truly divine Son of His Heavenly Father moved on to crucifixion." Our Father in Heaven watched as his perfect son was suffering and even cried out that he might not drink the bitter dregs of the cup. It was the Father's will that Christ chose to obey. He died on the cross for us, and he was resurrected for us, that we too might live again with our Father in Heaven. That we might have a way for happiness in our lives now and forever. Our lives do not end at death. A good man who loses his life for reasons that are not readily understood is not lost. Our loving Heavenly Father has provided a way for us through our Savior Jesus Christ. Through a perfect man that gave his life so that we might have one and then live again.,5232,23-1-1032-27,00.html

1 comment:

  1. That talk by Elder Holland was amazing. Really one of the highlights of General Conference.
