
Friday, March 13, 2009

The Picture Challenge

The answer to Sunni's challenge
( )

I thought it an interesting coincidence the pictures I came across. I will explain why there are two.

Tamara Kelm ( ) I nominate you for the picture challenge. It is your turn to pick the same pic, 4th folder 4th pic, and then explain it, then Challenge someone who reads your blog to do the same; it is kind of fun.

So for the first photo, I went onto my computer to see what was in my fourth folder, fourth picture. I came across this picture of the Dallas, Texas Temple. Inspiring since my most recent post was of temples, but this specific Temple has special significance to me because this is the first Temple I ever entered into shortly after I turned 12. And then later on June 19, 2004, which happens to be the day after my birthday, just before I left for my mission, I was able to enter this temple and make special covenants with my Heavenly Father. I was able to learn more about the special blessings that he has for me as his daughter. It was a wonderful day, one that is often remembered.

So then I went to post this photo to my blog and lo and behold I open up the "insert a picture" box and find that my folders were in a different order. So now my fourth folder, fourth picture is different. I decide to check it out and see what it could possibly be. I opened up the folder and look at the pictures and they are the pictures that I had taken on June 19, 2004 at the Dallas, Texas Temple. The fourth picture was my mother and me. :D I thought God works in mysterious ways and decided to share both pictures, and a little of the special memory that I have of that day.
What a blessing I have found it in my life to attend the Temple often and to enter into a Holy House that has been separated from the world and is the House of the Lord. I have felt His peace, His protection, His power, and most assuredly His love within these walls. I have been taught and learned much for myself and about His gospel. These things follow me throughout my daily life and strengthen me greatly. It has also taught me a great pattern for my life and to keep those things with me wherever I go and especially keep that same type of spirit in my home.

Thanks Sunni for this unexpected opportunity to share a special part of my life and my testimony of the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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