
Monday, October 13, 2008

Am I really known?

So Facebook has a "fun" little application where you can be compared by your friends with their other friends.
Why do I have this application?
Do I really want to subject myself to the knowledge that I am #3 among all of my friends ranked the craziest. Luckily I lost a place, previously I had the Number 1 and 2 spot.
Or do I want to know that I lost 2 places as being most entertaining.... and 1 place as best public speaker. Great this happened right after my lesson in church on Sunday! Hmm is that saying something.
The only one I agree with is best shopping companion having lost 1 place, if you know me, you know I don't like shopping so I do not make the best shopping companion. Though I guess that would all depend on who I was going shopping with. If it was a girly girl, she would quickly drop me, if it is a guy, well then I might be his favorite girl shopping companion ever, since I don't want to stick around and walk up and down every single aisle in the store!
Honestly though, this comparing people thing is just pretty much pointless. The times that I have gone through and compared, most of the time I am comparing facebook aquaintances and I don't know them well enough to know if they would skip out of class or not. I also adopted my friend Jason's idea of family or framily :) trumps everything. When it is a good thing and a family member shows up or someone that might as well be my family, they are inevitably chosen.
I probably get an e-mail at least once or twice a week telling me that my rankings have changed. Normally I delete it! I should really just go in and tell facebook to stop sending me e-mails on this thing, but I don't feel like sifting through all the mumbo jumbo to turn it off. So I will just keep deleting those and get excited when I see 10 new messages in my inbox, only to find that they are all Facebook drama.

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