
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happiness Is!

I have been reading Jesus the Christ because of an invitation issued to my stake by our Stake President. This is the invitation he extended to us:
"As the Holy Ghost has stirred our souls with desire and has enlightened us with pure insight into Christ’s perfect example of His perfect love, I extend this invitation to each of you: FIRST, I invite you to study the life of Christ. More specifically, between now and our next stake conference on November 8th and 9th, I encourage every member of the Austin Texas Stake to study the four Gospels; in addition, to studying the 3rd Book of Nephi, and the inspired work of Elder James E. Talmage entitled, “Jesus the Christ.”SECOND, I invite each of you to strive every day to become as Christ by expressing charity through your actions that you may always have His Spirit to be you and that you may be found possessing His love, even a manifestation of His divine nature, on your last day." ~Stewart W. Dickson

What an inspired invitation. There has been so much that I have learned as I have studied a little closer the life of our Savior. Christ is what happiness is!

My purpose for mentioning this invitation was because as I was reading in Jesus the Christ I found a great note talking about what happiness is. Because of the title of my blog I thought it only fitting to share with you the insight that I gained from reading.

Reference: "Jesus the Christ" James E. Talmage Chapter 17 note 2. pg 231.

"Happiness includes all that is really desirable and of true worth. Happiness is genuine gold. Happiness is as the genuine diamond, which, rough or polished, shines with its own inimitable luster. Happiness is as the ruby, red as the heart's blood, hard and enduring.

"Happiness is true food, wholesome, nutricious and sweet; it builds up the body and generates energy for action, physical, mental and spiritual.

"Happiness leaves no bad after-taste, it is followed by no depressing reaction; it calls for no repentance, brings no regret, entails no remorse.

"True happiness is lived over and over again in memory, always with a renewal of the original good.

"Happiness is not akin with levity, nor is it one with light-minded mirth. It springs from the deeper fountains of the soul, and is not infrequently accompanied by tears. Have you never been so happy that you have had to weep? I have."

I really enjoyed all of these thoughts but I think the one that had the most personal meaning to me right now in my life was the one about true food "generating energy for action, physical, mental, and spiritual." Happiness has always created an energy within me to be more motivated in so many areas of my life. Obedience is happiness. That is what I have come to find.

I would love to hear your thoughts on which one meant the most to you, and why.

These are times when I have had a taste of what True Happiness is!

1 comment:

  1. it's been way too long since you updated your blog! What's going on lady?
