
Monday, November 25, 2013

Let's Dance

Kid President always makes my day!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Saturday Adventures!

Free Zoo Day!

Mt. Lemmon

If only these next two pictures could do justice to the beauty we witnessed when we hit the top of this ridge.
This area had been hit by fire back in 2003, hence some of the scraggly trees. But what a beautiful view it was beyond the trees. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Becoming Meek

I have been pondering what it means to be meek.

Today this definition worked its way into my mind and resonated with my heart for what I had been searching for to help me better apply meekness in my life.

Meekness: being gracefully grateful for the blessings of today while continuously hopeful for the promises of eternity.

What does that mean for me? 

It means showing, expressing and acting in gratitude for the wonderful blessings I have.

"It means staying with something and doing all that [I] can—working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of [my] heart are delayed." ~ Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf - "Continue in Patience" (April 2010 General Conference)

It means moving forward from the broken hearts of yesterday and embracing the promises of the Lord for my eternal happiness.

It means not allowing the fear of a broken and pained heart stop me from acting in faith.

It means not letting the disappointment of today's unchanged status dash the hopes of my bright future.

Update: The very scripture and thoughts that led me on my search for understanding of meekness in my life was spoken in General Conference* today. When I heard this talk I felt the Lord was speaking directly to me saying I know you, I love you, and I know you are listening to me. Grateful for tender mercies of the Lord.

*General Conference is a world wide broadcast conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Millions of members and others gather every 6 months to hear the words that our Prophet and Apostles have to say. They seek for questions to be answered and to understand what the Lord would want them to know and do. They ponder on the messages and try to apply them into their daily lives seeking to know of truth and to be a disciple of Christ. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Adventures

 Want to frame my picture of Christ and put it above the lamp.

 Art created by my sisters. :)

 I get to pretend I am at the beach when I do my dishes! :)

It's beginning to feel a lot like home! :)

As I was putting up things on the wall and placing things around I was rushed with beautiful memories of my friends and family. Gifts of love that they have given to me or experiences I shared with them. My apartment feels full of love. A few more touches to add. 

A picture of my siblings and me being silly that I am getting printed up. 
An Arizona art project.
A Saguaro cactus art project to be similar to the tree above. I have been out hiking for inspiration. :)

Random: They have green trees out here.
Every time I see them I think of Elphaba.

 And what my sister and I like to call Bob Marley Cactus